The Clifford Trio

The Clifford Trio

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Philip Blue

.....and knee surgery.  We're in the same boat......bad knees.  So I finally  decided to undertake the inevitable........knee replacement surgery.  May 18 was  the big day.  It ain't fun, but the results are worth it if your knee hurts when  you climb steps, jump up and down (I quit trying that a long time ago), or just  simple stuff like carrying luggage, groceries, or climbing a hill in Brazil to  get to that beautiful deserted beach you've heard so much about!!  It was four  weeks ago today, and I can definitely do steps much better, as well as carrying  loads of groceries and bargains from flea markets and thrift shops.  Maybe I can  get back to Brazil this fall and check out a new place I've heard about.  But be  prepared for two to three weeks of limited mobility while you are recovering  from surgery, and you better have somebody to  help you get around.......and  prepare the ice packs.  Oh, and the most obvious thing...........only do one  knee at a time!!

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