The Clifford Trio

The Clifford Trio

Monday, September 8, 2008

Don Richter

You are the best class secretary ever!!! I seriously think you should be writing a newspaper column ala Dave Barry.

(Eds. Note: Another classmate terrified that if I quit, he might be tapped as Class Secretary. Regardless...thank you!)

Just now I'm sipping a Caribou cappuccino in Chicago before a morning stroll along the lake shore. With my ancient knees I don't even pretend I can still jog. The only news-worthy tidbit is that my son Jonathan -- a rising Guilford junior -- is spending the summer in Shangri-La, China before attending University of Beijing fall semester. I thought I was hot stuff going JYA to Marburg, but for our kids Europe seems so last century. I was able to use my rusty German on a recent trip to San Francisco. Because of the favorable exchange rate, the hotel was flooded with vacationing German families. Wir haben nur Deutsch geplaudert!

Don Richter

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