The Clifford Trio

The Clifford Trio

Monday, September 8, 2008

Kathleen Golding Boyce

Here’s the news from the Boyce household – probably more than you want or need to know, so feel free to edit.

Richard and I have just returned from a 2 week trip to the Holy Land; the trip was an anonymous gift from a member of the SS class he teaches at MPPC. We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary while there. It was an amazing journey. We had an Israeli Jew, who was very knowledgeable about history, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, archeology, culture, wine, geology, you name it, as our private guide. We can tell more stories and show more pictures than you would ever want to endure.

Laura and Sarah are one year out of college and both pretty gainfully employed w/ Teach for America. Laura teaches at West Philly High, and Sarah teaches at Gholson Middle School in Landover, Md. Teach for America is a fabulous program that I do believe is making an impact on education throughout our country (from yesterday’s Charlotte Observer:

Virginia has finished her sophomore year at Georgetown, where she is majoring in English and minoring in Spanish (we keep cranking out the English majors.) She started the summer w/ a mission trip w/ the Presbytery of W. NC. to Malawi. She is now on a 7 week Quaker-sponsored program in rural Mexico.

Caroline has spent two weeks at conferences in Montreat and a week babysitting in Blowing Rock. She has a mission trip to Puerto Rico ahead and a visit to Martha’s Vineyard w/ her cousin.

My mom died four weeks ago today. It was both expected and unexpected. She had had a number of health problems for years but seemed stable. But a week prior to her death, her heart became very arrhythmic, and she stopped breathing for about 30 minutes. We had a long, hard week of waiting at CMC before her death. I am hoping I can persuade my dad to move to Belmont now. We had been trying to talk Mom and Dad into moving closer, but we got nowhere. Maybe Dad will reconsider now. He does not like to be alone.

Richard is still teaching at Union-PSCE at Charlotte and being mayor in Belmont. I still have too many part-time jobs and no real jobs. I teach machine embroidery and embroidery software classes for the local Bernina dealership, and I represent a line of beautiful but overpriced ladies clothes. I have applied for a real job that I hope I will get.

I have two reunions scheduled for the fall – one w/ the North Main girls and one w/ the Carnegie girls. I am excited.

Now I’m going to put my jet-lagged body in the bed.


PS – Daughter #4 is now out of braces. Four girls w/ perfect teeth thanks to Holt Foushee.
We are still riding high from the basketball season. We made it to Raleigh. Sarah went to Detroit (courtesy of Jerry Taylor.) What a year! And next year promises to be better.

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